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Saturday, December 30, 2006



Do you know a senior who would like to remain in their home, but can’t afford the repairs necessary to remain safe and comfortable?

Seniors in need of home repairs should contact David Rowe at ECC for information on the application process for the Housing Repairs for Assisted and Independent Living (H-RAIL) program.

The purpose of the program is to enable seniors (60+ years) to maintain their homes, apartments, condos and to provide aids to assist them in living independently. There is no cost to eligible seniors, but there are some income limits. Examples of repairs and modifications include installing smoke/carbon dioxide detectors; grab bars in bathrooms; patching and painting walls, ceilings and windows; repairing or replacing floors, doors, windows, porch rails and locks.

ECC has been funded by the city’s Department of Housing for this program. Over 300 seniors who prefer to remain in their homes near friends and relatives have benefited from the program.

If you are a senior or if you know a senior that might be eligible, contact David Rowe at 773-381-1340 or

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