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Monday, July 30, 2007

Make a Difference - Volunteer


Have you been looking for something to do that will make a change for the better in your life and the life of your community? You have already made a commitment to Edgewater by living here-have you thought about how you, your family, and friends can contribute to making a difference for the better in our community? The Edgewater Community Council has numerous volunteer opportunities for everyone of all ages. Are you interested in neighborhood safety? in public transportation issues? in beautifying the neighborhood?, are you interested in donating a few hours a week to assisting in office work? - if so, the Edgewater Community Council may be your answer.

You decide how involved you want to be-you might choose to join one the task force committees of ECC-Transportation, Safety, Planning & Development, Edgewater Beautiful, Communications, Fundraising, Education-there are many opportunities. You might also think about a time limited project through many of our on-going activities such as Edgewater Beautiful-planting flowers, cleaning up near the "L" stops, a few hours of your time with family, friends and neighbors makes a world of difference in the community and for all its residents.
You can pick and choose what you would like to do - it's a great way to become involved and see the results of your efforts.

Since 1960, the Edgewater Community Council has linked residents, businesses, elected officials with shared interests and concerns to enhance the lives of the diverse group of residents who compose the neighborhood of Edgewater. When concerned people join together they become a community, the community then acts, and when they act, they make a positive change for all residents.

Some upcoming volunteer activities include the following:

Assisting in answering phones in the Edgewater Community Council, 6044 North Broadway
· Assist in the preparation of mailing
· Help with setup and clean up for National Night Out-August 7th
· Participate in one of the task force committees of the Board- Safety, Transportation, Edgewater Beautiful, Planning & Development, Communications, & Fundraising
· Assist in planning the Fall ECC Fundraiser
· Other opportunities coming up!

If you want to make a difference, and want to volunteer on a local level, please contact the Edgewater Community Council at 6044 North Broadway, 773-334-5609

You will be amazed at how your volunteer efforts enhance your life and the life of your community.

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