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Thursday, June 26, 2008

I Just Got "FACED"-booked

Ever try to communicate with a 16 year old? My son - a super kid mind you - is 16 years old. Keeping in touch with Dad isn't his highest priority. So, in the interest of communicating, I decided the best way to at least make contact was Facebook. Why speak to anyone when you have Facebook, right?

Ok - so I reached out to my son - as a Friend and sent an email - now I realize at 16 Dad's aren't friends, they're Dads, but in Facebook ya gotta go with the flow - just checking in with him - just wanted him to know that I was still alive.
I didn't expect much of a response, maybe a "hey", or a "s'up?" Nope - I got, "um - dad, aren't you too old to use this site?" Personally, I was amazed I got a 10 word response - was I offended? YES!

While I wanted to reponse - "Dude, don't diss me bro" I took the far more mature approach and, "son, when I was your age, I played a video game called PONG - it was a black screen with a single cursor and I liked it - I liked it just fine!" Too old - TOO OLD?? Okay - I'm still waiting for a response. In the interim, however, I decided to look up my high school classmates - GEESHHHH! Do they look...old. Never mind.

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