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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Some Days'ill Drive Ya To Drink

Chicago - that t'totallin' town! According to the Chicagoist, the only cities in the US that outdrink us are Austin, San Francisco, Providence and Milwaukee. Ok - Milwaukee is not a huge surprise considering you could take one step in Brewer's Country and essentially fall into a bar.

Providence? PROVIDENCE? I guess if I lived there I'd drink too - heavily.

Austin and San Francisco are interesting. I'd take San Francisco as more of a - er - natural, kinda herbal city. Austin? College town - 'nuf said.

According to the article, "62 percent of Chicagoans had had at least one drink in the last month, 5.4 percent were regular drinkers, and 20.4 percent had consumed five or more drinks on one occasion."

Geesh - PEOPLE! What are you waiting for? A six pack includes 6 individual cans - hence the name - SIX PACK! Why would you stop at 5?

Drink up Chitownians! *hick*!

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