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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Disruptions in CTA Service - April 2

Are You Ready?

- A P R I L 2 -

Massive Disruptions in CTA Service!

The CTA has scheduled MAJOR construction at the Fullerton and Belmont stations beginning April 2 that will adversely impact the Red Line.

As a result, the CTA will reduce the number of trains by 25% during construction and has warned -

· Commuters northbound from the Loop may expect trip time to double.

· Trip time into the Loop may increase up to 50%.

· Construction is scheduled to last for three years.

The CTA has planned NO viable alternatives for commuters-except to add a few extra buses. At the same time, current "slow zones" will continue in full effect.

This will have a MAJOR impact on Edgewater residents and businesses:

· Significantly increased commute time for residents;
· Extremely overcrowded trains, train platforms, buses and bus stops;
· Dangerously increased traffic moving through Edgewater.

As a result, ECC is making a major effort to:
1. Put pressure on the CTA to delay the beginning of the construction and to work with affected communities to come up with a real plan.
2. Gather ideas and generate community discussion on what can be done to help alleviate the impact on Edgewater.
3. Coordinate with other affected organizations inside and outside of Edgewater.

Time is very short-We all need to speak up!
ECC is implementing a postcard/letter campaign to Mayor Daley asking him to exert his influence on the CTA to delay the 3-year project until an acceptable plan is developed with the affected communities along the Red Line.

Please. Send the attached letter to Mayor Daley.

Edgewater Community Council, Inc. ¨6044 N. Broadway ¨ Chicago, IL 60660 ¨ 773-334-5609

Edgewater Community Council (ECC) is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit and voluntary membership organization formed in 1960 to improve the quality of life in the diverse Edgewater community. The Edgewater community is located between Foster Avenue (5200N) and Devon Avenue (6400N), and between Lake Michigan and Ravenswood Avenue (1800W).

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Edgewater Community Council

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