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Sunday, March 4, 2007

Red Line Meetings Start This Monday

Red Line Meetings Start this Monday

Edgewater Red Line Corridor Revitalization
Are you interested in the future of your Red Line Station? The local non-profit community development organization, Edgewater Development Corporation, is partnering with the University of Illinois at Chicago to cultivate a community vision for Edgewater's four Red Line stations and surrounding retail districts.

We invite you to help form the vision at the following community design charrettes. The charrettes take place in two stages over two dates: the first involves gathering vision from the community; and the second involves presenting various options based on input from the first charrette and receiving additional community feedback.

This all leads to a final proposal to be released over the summer. Our elected officials will use this vision to advance the revamp of the north branch of the Red Line. Space is limited, so please RSVP to the number or e-mail listed below:

Berwyn & Bryn Mawr Stations:

Monday, March 5th, 2007 St. Andrews Church, 5649 N Sheridan Rd
Monday, April 30th, 2007 St. Andrew's Church, 5649 N Sheridan Rd

Thorndale & Granville Stations:

Monday, March 12th, 2007 Loyola University, 6333 N Winthrop
Monday, May 7th, 2007 Loyola University, 6333 N Winthrop

Light refreshments will be served from 6:30-7pm.

Charrettes will take place from 7-9pm.

To RSVP or get additional information, contact Adam Burck at Edgewater Development Corporation,
e-mail , call 773-506-4016, or visit:

Can't attend a charrette but still have ideas to share? Go to to take our survey about these stations and retail districts.

Event Sponsors:

14TH District

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