AA and Al Anon meetings: North Shore Baptist Church, 5244 N. Lakewood, 773-728-4200: AA Sat. 10 am, 4 pm; Youth AA, Wed. 6:30 pm;
AA/Alanon, Wed. 8 pm; Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1500 W. Elmdale, 773- 743-1800: Al Anon Fri. 10:15 am; St. Gertrude Ministry Center, 6214 N. Glenwood: 773-561-5343: Al Anon Thurs. 7:30 pm, St. Ita’s Church,5500 N. Broadway, 773-561-7343 : AA Tue. 7 pm; Ebenezer Lutheran Church, 1650 W. Foster, 773-334-5609: AA Mediation, Tue. 7:45 pm, AA Thur. 7:45 pm, AA Fri. 7:30 pm, AA Sat. 7 pm, Women’s A A, Sun. 6 pm, Men’s AA Sun. 6 pm.; Church of the Atonement , 5749 N. Kenmore, 773-271-2727: AA Mon: 8 am, 7pm;CA, 8 pm; NA Tue., 7:30 pm; AA Wed. 6 pm, AA Thurs. 7 pm, AA, Fri., 7 pm.
Chicago Public Library’s High Speed Wireless Internet System, Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale. All you need is a wireless enabled laptop computer, tablet PC or PDA. Library’s network is open to all visitors and free of charge without filters. 312- 744-0718
Neighborhood Walks are conducted every Monday by the EPIC Block Club and North Edgewater Beach Association. Cellular phones are used for 311 and 911 calls. Walks begin at 8:00 pm northeast corner of Thorndale and Broadway. Dogs on leashes are welcome. Information 773-381-1345
Dog Walking/Safety Patrol, 6 pm, every Thursday, meet in front of Swift School, 5900 N. Winthrop,773-334-5609
Edgewater Historical Society Museum, Open every Saturday, 1-4 pm, 5358 N. Ashland, 773-506- 4849 Sewing Classes Every Tuesday, 10 am –12 pm, 6044 N. Broadway, 773-381-1346
Teacher in the Library, Mon., Tue, Thur.,3:30- 7:00 pm, Wed., 5:30 pm, Help with Homework, Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale, 312-744- 0718
Cell phone/Printer Cartridge Recycling Program, Gerber/Hart Library, 1127 W. Granville, accepts expired cell phones and computer printer cartridges, 773-381-8030
Continuing Fridays in March, Lenten Fridays- Stations, Soup, and Taize Prayers, 6 pm, St. Ita Church. 5500 N. Broadway, 773-561-5343
Continuing through March 3,“Stop Kiss” presented by Raven Theatre, 8:30 pm, Fri. & Sat., 3:30 pm, Sun.,$15, Students/Seniors $12, 773-338-2177
- Continuing through March 18, “Mother and Son : Nordine Sculptures and Painting”, Swedish American Museum, 5211 N. Clark, Tue-Fri 10 am -4 pm, Sat.-Sun. 11 am-4 pm.; $4 adults, $3 Children/Students/Seniors.773-728-8111
- Illinois Secretary of State’s Mobile Drivers Service Facility, 9:30-am till 2:30 pm, Bridgeview Bank, 4753 N. Broadway
- ECC/EDC Planning/Development Committee Meeting, 7 pm, 6044 N. Broadway, 773-334-5609 (Canceled)
- Saturday Book Club, “Shadow in the Wind”by Carlos Ruiz Zafon , 11 am, Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale, book available at Library, 312-744- 0718
- Edgewater Glen Association Monthly Open Meeting, 7 pm, 6044 N. Broadway, 773-334- 5609
- Visit and Tour Hayt School, 9:30 am to 10:00 am,1518 W. Granville, also March 27
- Storytime for Little Ones!, 10:30 am, Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale, for children 18-36 months old and their caregivers, also March 14, 21, 28, 312- 744-0718
- Community Policing Beat 2433, Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale, 773-334-5609
- ECC Edgewater Beautiful Committee Meeting, 10 am. 6044 N. Broadway, 773-334-5609
- Community Policing Beat 2023 Meeting, 7 pm, Kenmore Plaza, 5225 N. Kenmore, 773-334-5609
- Edgewater Historical Society New Member Drive, 6 pm, Edgewater Historical Society, 5358 N. Ashland, wine, champagne, “Wonderful Evening of the Golden 30’s”, $10, free if you become a , new member or if you are a current member & bring a guest who becomes a member, the event will be free for both of you , 773-506-4849
- After School Story and Craft , 3;30 pm, Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale, 312-744- 0718
- ECC Housing Committee Meeting, 6:30 pm, 6044 N. Broadway 773-381-1340
13 Families Together Cooperative Nursery School Admissions Coffee, Visit classrooms, Immanuel Lutheran Church, - North Edgewater Beach Association Meeting, 7 pm, Thai Grill, 1040 W. Granville, Housing Issues, 773-334-5609
- Women’s Book Discussion Group, “Beyond the Pale”by Elana Dykewoman, 7:30-9 :00 pm, Gerber/Hart Library,1127 W. Granville, 773-381- 8030
- Care for Real Committee Meeting, 7 pm, 6044 N. Broadway, 773-334-5609
- Edgewater Triangle Neighbors Association Meeting, 7 pm, Edgewater Baptist Church, 1401 W. Hollywood, 773-334-5609
- Hayt School Local School Council Meeting, 7 pm.Hayt School , 1518 W. Granville, 773-534-2040
- Community Policing Beat 2013 Meeting, 7 pm, Philadelphia Church, 5445 N. Clark, 773-334- 5609
- Writers at Heart, 1 pm, Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale, 312-744-0718
18 Chicago Symphony Community Choral performs works of Beethoven, Copland and others, 3 pm, St. Ita Church, 5500 N. Broadway - ECC Book Club, “Sometimes I Dream in Italian” by Rita Cireasi, 7 pm, Pause CafĂ©, 1107 W. Berwyn, Book available at the Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale, 773-334-5609
- ECC Board of Directors Meeting, 7 pm, 6044 N. Broadway. 773-334-5609
- Community Policing Beat 2013 Meeting, 7 pm, Philadelphia Church, 5445 N. Clark, 773-334- 5609
- Raven Theatre production of “The Seagull”by Anton Chekhov, 6:30 pm, ECC benefit, 773-334- 5609
- "Edgewater History” presented by Kathryn Gemperle, 10 am, 2007, EHS, Annual Meeting, Election of Officers follows, 773-506-4849
- Jazz Supper Club, Charlotte Foster, Vocalist, Doors open at 6:30, North Lakeside Cultural Center, 6219 N. Sheridan, $35, Libations, Food, Company, 773-743-4477
- Northside Catholic Academy Middle School Open House, 10 am-1 pm, School Campus, 5525 N. Magnolia, 773-271-4310
- Tuesday Morning Book Club, ” March” by Geraldine Brooks, 10 am, Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale, book available at Edgewater Library, 312- 744-0718
- Edgewater Beach Neighbors Association, 7 pm, Edgewater Presbyterian Church, 1020 W. Bryn Mawr,
- ECC Safety Committee, 7 pm, 6044 N. Broadway, 773-334-5609
- FORUM ON COMMUNITY SERVICES AND SAFETY INITIATIVES, 10 am, Broadway Armory, 5917 N. Broadway, 773-334-5609
Please pass the Newsletter on to other who might be interested and post in common areas for those without Internet access.
Aida Kulasic
Edgewater Community Council
email: info@edgewatercommunitycouncil.org
phone: 773-334-5609
fax: 773-508-4970
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