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Thursday, March 1, 2007

Landlord Training - City of Chicago - Time, Dates and How to Register

Landlord Training

The City of Chicago Department of Buildings in conjunction with the Chicago Police Department regularly conducts landlord training classes throughout the city and ECC encourages local landlords to attend.

This program teaches building owners, managers and residents how to: keep criminal activity out of their buildings, screen tenants properly, become a part of CAPS (Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy) partnership, recognize dishonest tenants, maintain buildings that are free of building code violations and illegal activity, and to become knowledgeable about crisis resolution, the eviction process, contracts and leases, and City services.

The City’s Landlord and Tenant Ordinance holds landlords accountable for criminal activity that occurs in buildings over an extended period of time. If a landlord permits or encourages illegal activity on his/her property, he/she can be fined up to $500 a day.

This class is free and lasts approximately 3 hours. It will be held at the17th District Police Station, 4650 N. Pulaski Road.

Dates are March 6 (in Spanish only), April 3, May 1, June 5, July 3, August 9, Sept. 4 (Spanish only), Oct. 2, Nov. 6, Dec. 4

Registration starts at 6pm. All classes begin at 6:30pm. There will also be a Landlord Training
Class sponsored by Rogers Park Community Council on Thurs., March 15, 6:30pm - 8:30pm;call 773-338- 7732, Ext. 26, for more info or to register.

If there is enough of a demand for the Landlord Training in Edgewater, a local class can be arranged.

If you are interested, please call Ginger Williams, Housing Director, 773-338-1340 or email so we can determine if we have the minimum number needed to schedule a class.

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