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Monday, March 26, 2007

Reminder - Forum on Community Service and Safety Initiatives, Saturday, March 31

Reminder ♦ Forum on Community Services and Safety Initiatives

Saturday, March 31

Where: Nicholas Senn High School When: Saturday, March 31, 2007
5900 N. Glenwood Avenue 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
West Parking Lot entrance

Representatives from the Aldermen's Offices will explain their role in service for the community, and representatives from various city and county agencies will also be on hand with materials describing their work and services offered to the community.

Please join us for the three session themes during the forum:

1. Safety tips for children and seniors, street safety, self defense tips and recognizing gang activity and signs;
2. Various ways members of the community can actively participate in improving neighborhood safety through the CAPS and Court Advocacy Programs, and tips on when and how to use 311 and 911 services;
3. Demonstration of privately funded surveillance cameras, an important aspect of the ECC Safety Initiative.

In addition, ECC will present special recognition awards to the 20th & 24th District Police for their continued dedicated service in Edgewater.

The forum is sponsored by Edgewater Community Council and the 48th/ 40th Ward Aldermanic Offices.

Edgewater Community Council, Inc. ¨ 6044 N. Broadway ¨ Chicago, Illinois 60660 ¨ 773-334-5609

Edgewater Community Council (ECC) is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit and voluntary membership organization formed in 1960 to improve the quality of life in the diverse Edgewater community. The Edgewater community is located between Foster Avenue (5200N) and Devon Avenue (6400N), and between Lake Michigan and Ravenswood Avenue (1800W).
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Edgewater Community Council

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