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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mayor Daley Not So Bootylicious

So - how many outstanding parking tickets do you have? Well, if it's more than 2, pay up or get the boot! The Chicago SunTimes this morning had it all in black and white.

In order to close the widening $400M budget gap in Chicago, Mayor Daley's rather unpopular plan is to subject any person with more than two outstanding parking tickets or two redlight violations the distinct pleasure of having their car incapacitated with the device called the Denver Boot. History has shown that the plan has actually brought in the dough. In 2002, the city reduced the penalty from 5violations to 3 which generated $8.2M smackeroos - that ain't chump change.

City Alderman aren't finding the plan bootylicious - many are concerned that any additional financial burden on their constituents will only worsen the financial strains due to the current economic downturn.

Speaking from personal experience, getting the boot ain't no Rocky Mountain High. It is FAR cheaper to pay the tickets. If you dare to play Russian Roulette with the City's Department of Revenue, just know - according to the SunTimes article, last year, Chicago booted 58,886 vehicles. The booting rate is up slightly this year -- to 29,719 through June 30 -- thanks to vans equipped with automated license plate readers. They stalk the streets at all hours.

Come to think of it - make sure you have your new city sticker too. Um - when I got the boot, I didn't have the new sticker either - again - fun? Not so much.

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