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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More About Not Knowing What They Don't Know

The benefits or Twitter are endless! I found a really great blog written by Joel Burslem - a fellow Twitterer. His recent post refers to the mindscape for technology players for Web 2.0 for real estate - clearly there is no shortage of solutions in real estate - yet, as a real estate professional, I still feel that the solutions seem to be so disjointed.

As I look at the players in the social media space - and from my experience working with clients - time and time again, I am struck by the consumers lack of knowledge of the process of buying and selling - and the basic facts that consumers lack eduction in the process.

There are many tools which address opening the floodgates to the data trapped deep inside the MLS - analytical and search tools abound, however there is again a lack of general knowledge of the process of buying and selling. As I like to say, the consumer simply doesn't know what they don't know - this is the value that realtors provide, yet as a realtor I can say that we don't do the best job in educating the consumer.

I think a void that needs to be filled - and I believe it is a possible social media solution - is a collaborative environment - a wiki - where consumers gain process knowledge.

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