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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Show Me the Money

With the significant downturn in the real estate market, where will the real opportunities be?

From a seller of real estate - one who has the equity but needs to sell, perhaps the way to sell is to provide seller financing. The concept of a land contract has not been common during the times of easy money, however, it appears to be a new way for sellers to actually sell their properties. There are still qualified buyers capable of buying properties, but in light of the current credit crunch, they simply may be unable to get a mortgage.

In terms of private equity, there may be a growing market for private mortgages - not seller financing, but perhaps pools of private equity that may be able to bridge the gap.

My gut tells me that mortgage rates are going to climb and probably quickly in the near future, further squeezing out buyers - perhaps the worst is truly yet to come?

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